What does XKPASSWD have to do with XKCD?
One of Randall Munroe's fabulous XKCD comics was part of the inspiration for XKPASSWD. In the comic entitled "Password Strength", he illustrates how creating a super long gibberish passsword with upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols is nearly uncrackable and proves it by showing how many bits of entropy are in the password example. But it also explains how that same password is nearly impossible to remember.
But then he shows how a long enough password that's actually human-readable, memorable, and easy to type can have even more entropy, as long as the words in the password are randomly chosen.
Steve Gibson also influenced the project with his Password Haystacks page at https://www.grc.com/haystack.htm where you can experiment with password length and adding digits and special characters to make passwords harder to crack.
This concept is the basis for the math behind creating long, strong, memorable, and typable passwords using XKPASSWD.